A way, away, or aweigh?
Went to Shepherds' tonight and time or two ago, too...
~~~as thought about this, this to tell to a friend
~`a friend that I had met before there, wasn't here then~~~
as I say to her, these things now and then...
She went away once...so... so to her; now then..
Heard when you returned you wern't feeling well to make it
Not comfortable for me to consider going to far away -
I knew not of, someplaces, till you mentioned..
Taken heed of your thoughts - tonighjt I thought to "not so, to.."
and I'm glad that its good and I'm here again..
I saw someone I hoped to- ALMOST TALKED TO.. saw a friend/talked to her\and her friend Friend, I now have met, Talked also to...
Same stories, I cringe~~~ I tell~~as I heard/ old religions/Nazarite/ history Christianity\ peoples travels/
earths Oddyysseeyy(spelling~~~cringed to) Illiad (Coincidental..)
David and Goliath - Not so cringing/ inspiring to me\
as hair stands in the wind hair standing on end...
heard story last week-as I told , mywonder was of the stones-Why 5, does David take?
next daysomeone brings it up-the story I just read yesterday-I say!
They ask immediatly- "you know why David picked up 5 stones?
Wow, coincidental, you think? I think not -so...
So, You know about the Full armor of God?
Found image....make no false images... I think ..
... So this is just a picture http://www.homeworship101.com/sp-t6_armor.htm
The practics of what is full armor may only be for what good or to what level it is constructed
timing...what do I know..nothing in full
Anyway, David goes to the king- king gives his own armor to David
David starts, puts on armor and takes kings sword....
...David wobley?-ahkward? returns armor to king-Know story , you do...
He gets the stones as he is a shepherd, wears comfort table to fight
Take your full armor
what you have may be akward
I tell Sheperd these things
A" GOOD Shepheardusess I think she is
I tell her
you can tell her again, if you feel you can relay from me
different as I tell you,wearing your armor, is like my skill and my work is all akward-new day
plan i do for only one- just by one, yet the world would like better
better that we were sheepeole in letting down our shield, taking off our helmet
rolling up our pants legs...
(edited this in Wed 8/5 2009 http://blog.heritage.org/2009/08/05/morning-bell-the-people-spreading-disinformation-about-obamacare/
so careful I tell you, yet joyfull you have been, and must have been for them
yet Americans, of us How do they see have we taken strides with our faith?
see them as we see they say or as we are what we can be to what they say
if we cant know enough to apply
Good shepherds for you I pray for and doubly for the ones you have
Pray I do for you and what may be giant to you...
or to what may be more practicle with your relationship with your family and God
and ask you too, pray for shepherd, and what she has and does, and against any Giants, having any?~~~? she may? Practicle or participle, this I havn't got a clue...yet may be I do
For what it is, a Nazarite sometimes has faith to expect(know not what do I know?)
I'm from WV
What to plan to make the most of, IS THAT FROM MY FAITH IN gOD
or settle on what is simple that fits us, its what we do ..no matter where you are, where your from or where your going...uh, be careful, I shall be, I pray
unsettling to settle yet
So as he was telling me earlier(her friend-) Faith in the Lord, was told of, tonight...
Interesting this faith story , in Jesus, our Lord...
that is between the story I brought to tell to Shepherd was thought out first by what unfolded..
as days progressed - till that point_/\_ point at Sheperd's place, then it was, to me...
..it could ve unfolded differently, just for me to tell then, I thought-as it was then;
then that I thought of it with the full armor...
And for David....?
...four brothers Goliath had..
..one was all it took.
Searched "Five Stones"
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(again edit 8/5/2009 Prophetic Word from Patricia King: "Body of Christ Will Establish New Kingdom Entertainment Industry" ) and last nights http://www.coasttocoastam.com/ |
unsettling to settle yet
yet not divided
entertainment or delusions what are we to expect...
in a world today , what a Merlin?
a jedi?
Surely somethings old that are written are more stable.
1 comment:
AUSPICES; OXYMORON Surely somethings are "presented" more stable THAN this HEALTH CARE "plan"... To start with "rushing this", or "Rushing our representatives, to pass the health care "plan" without the time to evaluate and "simply vote yes or no" is "ludicris"; the asking is as much ludicris, as President Obama has asks, any citizens "anyone missrepresenting this health care plan" to report them to the White House. Then SOMEONE PLEASE REPORT PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA !
PS. auspices
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Main Entry: aus·pice
Pronunciation: \ˈȯs-pəs\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural aus·pic·es \-pə-səz, -ˌsēz\
Etymology: Latin auspicium, from auspic-, auspex diviner by birds, from avis bird + specere to look, look at — more at *aviary, spy
Date: 1533
1: observation by an augur especially of the flight and feeding of birds to discover omens
2plural : kindly patronage and guidance doing research under the auspices of the local historical society>
3: a prophetic sign ; especially : a favorable sign
*aviary THE Inflected Form(s):
Etymology: Latin aviarium, from avis bird; akin to Greek aetos eagle: a place for keeping birds confined; ALL THIS IN CONTEXT NOT-NOT TO ANY VISION OF AN EAGLE IN THE BOOK OF JOB
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